Mareschstr. 4, 12055 Berlin, DE +49-030-658-36910 TUE-FRI 1PM-6PM SAT 11AM-3PM / DIEN-FREI 13:00-18:00 SAM 11:00-15:00

Main front room faces the street with a large window.

Main front room faces the street with a large window.

Main front room faces the street with a large window.

Reception Area

Main front room faces the street with a large window.

Main front room faces the street with a large window.

Main front room faces the street with a large window.

Main front room faces the street with a large window.

Main front room faces the street with a large window.

Smaller front room.

Smaller front room

Smaller front room

Projector & screen for video presentations.

Smaller front room

Rear room leads to a terrace and courtyard.

Rear room leads to a terrace and courtyard.

Rear room leads to a terrace and courtyard.

Rear room leads to a terrace and courtyard.

Rear room leads to a terrace and courtyard.

Rear room leads to a terrace and courtyard.

Rear room leads to a terrace and courtyard.

Can be darkened for video presentation.