Mareschstr. 4, 12055 Berlin, DE +49-030-658-36910 TUE-FRI 1PM-6PM SAT 11AM-3PM / DIEN-FREI 13:00-18:00 SAM 11:00-15:00
Exhibition | Ausstellung July 8 - 17, 2021
Vernissage July 8 19:00
Social Distancing & Mask Wearing Protocols
Bodo Niggemann is a former pediatrician, who - after having retired - focused on art again. He works and lives in Berlin.
His work can be categorized as “constructivism” since he favors geometrical and iterative forms. He enjoys combining many little components to create a new ensemble. Lately, he used medical materials as an incorporation of his medical history.
He’s been attracted to art since childhood, when his parents took him with them to many art exhibitions and museums. His interest in art awakened at the Documenta III in 1964 in Kassel.
His active stage started in 1971 with his “Kunst-Abitur”.
This LiTE-HAUS exhibition features the variability of his work over the last three years.
He is influenced by Victor Vasarely, Günter Frühtrunk, Gerhard Richter, Manuel Ros and others.

This exhibition features the variability of Niggamann's work over the last three years. He is influenced by Victor Vasarely, Günter Frühtrunk, Gerhard Richter, Manuel Ros and others. The work of Bodo Niggemann can be described as “constructivism” since he favors geometrical and iterative forms. He enjoys combining many little components of different materials to create a new ensemble. Lately, he used medical materials as an incorporation of his medical history.

is a Berlin based artist. Although his active period started with his “Kunst-Abitur” in 1971 followed by irregular and changeful activities, he rebooted a second career after having retired from pediatrics. Born in Australia, he grew up and spent most of his lifetime in Hamburg, Germany. His parents (his father was an architect and artist) very early took him regularly to numerous art exhibitions and art fairs.

This exhibition features the variability of Niggamann's work over the last three years. He is influenced by Victor Vasarely, Günter Frühtrunk, Gerhard Richter, Manuel Ros and others. The work of Bodo Niggemann can be described as “constructivism” since he favors geometrical and iterative forms. He enjoys combining many little components of different materials to create a new ensemble. Lately, he used medical materials as an incorporation of his medical history.