Mareschstr. 4, 12055 Berlin, DE +49-030-658-36910 TUE-FRI 1PM-6PM SAT 11AM-3PM / DIEN-FREI 13:00-18:00 SAM 11:00-15:00
X-SCAPES Group Exhibition | Gruppenausstellung
February 5 - 13, 2018
Vernissage February 4 6pm - 9pm
The photographic works of Ria Siegert deal with value as well as random forms and structures, which arise from everyday activities. Die fotografischen Arbeiten von Ria Siegert beschäftigen sich mit Wertsetzungen, sowie zufälligen Formen und Strukturen, die aus Alltagshandlungen entstehen.
Davies is the founder of LiTE-HAUS. She is a multi-media artist. Her assemblages, created using discarded paper, are a testament to rampant materialism. Visit her personal website for more works which include paintings and video.
Heavy is the stone - often a cobblestone - that Mischa Lusteck has carved; fine - sometimes fragile - the shapes he has created. Observed from several sides it allows always different associations - sometimes pleasurable, almost erotic, meditative, close to the "original form". Schwer ist der Stein, oft ein Feldstein, den Mischa Lusteck behauen hat, fein, teilweise fragil die Formen, die er geschaffen hat.
Ralf Kutschke, a photographer, traveled to North Korea in October 2015 with the intent to make his own impression on the spot. He traveled via a special train from the Chinese border in the north, to the North Korean capital city, Pyongyang, and on to Panmunjeom, - just north of the high-security border to South Korea.
Hofmann's realistic painting is in the tradition of a "poetry of urbanism". Her pictures are - in a subtle way - dominated by geometric order and the physical dimension of time. Hofmanns realistische Malerei steht in der Tradition einer „Poesie des Urbanismus“. Ihre Bilder werden – in subtiler Weise - beherrscht von geometrischer Ordnung und der physikalischen Größe Zeit.
Marc Laroque's work revolves around the shocks within the collective imagery that, through German reunification, continued to influence every single individual's life. Not iconoclasts, not iconodules but iconophages are their agents. Seine Arbeit kreist um die Erschütterungen innerhalb der kollektiven Bilderwelt, die sich durch die deutsche Wiedervereinigung bis ins Leben jedes einzelnen Individuums fortsetzte. Nicht Ikonoklasten, nicht Ikonodule sondern Ikonophagen sind deren Agenten.
Dirk-Martin Heinzelmann studied history and film. He is fascinated by what connects people. The flow of changing emotions, search for convictions, the belief in the gaze people. He captures them against the backdrop of their spiritual connection. Es fasziniert ihn herauszufinden was Menschen verbindet. Der Fluss der ständig wechselnden Emotionen, die Suche nach Überzeugungen, dem Glauben in den Blicken der Menschen. Er fängt diese vor der Kulisse ihrer spirituellen Verbundenheit ein.
"Disarm" For years, canvas and paper have been the main media MM uses for his informal oil paintings. An additional project is the series "Painted photographs". Initially created in a political context and as an artistic response to the financial crisis of recent years. Leinwand und Papier sind seit Jahren die Hauptmedien, die MM für seine informelle Ölmalerei verwendet. Ein zusätzliches Projekt ist die Serie „Bemalte Fotografien“.